A fit posterior is much better to sit on to watch Fox News than a not fit one!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Maridav. Ciao Bella,...
Tag: Beauty
Ugh–what’s that hideous smell!?!? Oh, it’s Stench, the new fragrance for your necrotizing Alt-soul!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Victoria Kalinina. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! As...
We right-wingers don’t care and you can’t make us!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, xtock. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! I hope this column finds you looking...
Ripped jeans–no! Ripped constitution–yes!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, mokee81. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! As I gaze out the window behind a rack of low-quality fabrics...
Such good phallic symbols to spend your time thinking about./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, kudryshanna. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! Sure it’s overcast and damp in...
“I said, ‘No gay couples at my right-wing wediiiiiiiiiiing!'”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock: Boykov1991. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! I, Emma Winter, the Beauty editor here...
“See that–up there, that beautifuk, shining orb? Whenever I doubt if the NRA is full of a bunch of total whack jobs I follow...
“I’ve always gotten what I wanted–why should this be any different?”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Maridav. Alt-readers, it’s been another week of “glory days,” ones...
“Aww, shucks! Not a good right-wing hair decade!”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, deagreez. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! Guess who it is? Yesiree, it’s I, Emma...
Lay it on the thick–not just our writing philosophy here at SYRW./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Valua Vitaly. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! It is I,...