Power has a way of isolating people–and even people who care for no one but themselves can take it hard./Licensed Adobe Editorial Stock; YURI...
Find out everything you’re not supposed to know—but must—about the colorful characters on the right.
Steve Bannon has a new lease on life!/Image Credit: CNN. Hey, Readers! It’s me, Bubbles MacMillan, with some seriously juicy right-wing gossip for you!...
“So you agree–you think you’re really pretty?” –Regina George/Donal Trump/Image Credit: Licensed Shutterstock stock, a katz. The old life imitates art imitates life imitates...
Ivanka Trump didn’t go to law school, but she’s a legal eagle nonetheless!/Image credit: Dreamstime Stock, Laurene Agron. Hey, Readers! It’s me, Bubbles McMillan,...
Trump’s three “closest friends”: James Mattis, Rex Tillerson, John Kelly/Image: The Hill. Hello, my lovelies It’s me, Bubbles MacMillan, with some seriously juicy right-wing...
Donald Trump and Omarosa Manigault. Newman/Image courtesy of nbc.com. I, Tabitha Bubbles, resident gossip maven, have GOT to tell you something, Spread Your Right...
Trump and Putin at the recent Asia Summit/Image: Courtesy of BBC. We have GOT to tell you something–but shhhhhh! You can’t tell anyone else!...
Javanka and others got wild playing a White House staff drinking game./Image: Licensed Adobe Stock. We have some really juicy dirt for you this week,...