Sites such as The Pink Mosque in Iran may soon be flattened like Melania’s affect./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Alexander. Ahoy, right-wing travel aficionados! Avast...
“I said, ‘No gay couples at my right-wing wediiiiiiiiiiing!'”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock: Boykov1991. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! I, Emma Winter, the Beauty editor here...
“Why can’t I hate like I used to be able to?”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, aijiro. Greetings, Alt-reading lovers! It’s one of those classic days...
Right next to the playground at Haspel’s Rascals Daycare./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, pyzata. While most people find Mondays odious, onerous, and obnoxious, we here...
“Aaaaand…I’m done!”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, carballo. President Donald Trump Thursday provided the aging, orange face to slap on the legwork that his staff performed...
“Honey, this movie is so bad, I’m a little mad at you for bringing me to it.”/Image, Licensed Adobe stock, serhiibobyk. Please, dear readers, turn...
Mmm–when smells mingle in potpourri it’s nice, but not when races do!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Luca Lorenzelli. I never thought I’d say this, dear...
Soon, you’ll be jumping with a lack of joy./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Prazis Images. Salutary and Salubrious Salutations, traditionalist health-seekers! One of my, Deepika...
paFollow the North Star™, and by that we mean Oliver North as the new head of the NRA./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Come sit next...
“See that–up there, that beautifuk, shining orb? Whenever I doubt if the NRA is full of a bunch of total whack jobs I follow...