Ripped jeans–no! Ripped constitution–yes!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, mokee81. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! As I gaze out the window behind a rack of low-quality fabrics...
This is a dead cow’s dismembered body parts. Eat it./Licensed Adobe stock, nd700. Gustatory Greetings, Tasty Traditionalists! It’s been far, far, far too long–did...
Even a motion that’s already as rudimentary and crude as the sweeping motion can be further Alt-ified!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Antonio Diaz. I was...
Salty breezes and federal hiring freezes–lots of time to dig into our summer reading list./Image Licensed Adobe stock, A page-turning-ly good, lazy afternoon to...
Digital gadgets to clutter your life and silence your outrage./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, maglara. Hope you’re well on this decidedly digital day, conservative tech...
“What do we want? Less of a say in our destinies! When do we want it? Now!”/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, nito. How are we...
How our views of men’s bodies instantiate the patriarchy./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, bagotaj. Text-based greetings, Alt-reading lovers! It’s so good to see you in...
Whoa–who know they could look so much like non-Jewish whites…just darker?!/Image Licensed Adobe stock, Hogan Imagine. Salutary and Salubrious Salutations, traditionalist health-seekers! Today, I,...
“Hmmm…so many good tips on how to be worse at a job I’m already epic-failing it.”/Licensed Adobe stock, .shock. Hey, my right-wing Chatty Cathys!...
Such good phallic symbols to spend your time thinking about./Image: Licensed Adobe stock, kudryshanna. Ciao Bella, Conservative Cuties! Sure it’s overcast and damp in...