Featured Fun

Fun: Alt-Right Trivia–Eek…Sounds Kind of the Opposite of Fun, Right? Oh, Just Try It!

We ask, and we hope to receive from you!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Marek.

1  Who worked for Marco Rubio’s campaign and then Donald Trump’s campaign?

2  What are the first names of the two “Millers” involved with Trumpy McTrumperson, one with Trump’s campaign, and one with Trump’s campaign and admin?

3 Who from Trump’s inner circle got her green card through a program for people with “extraordinary ability?”

4 Who from Team Trump was recently nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, most likely as a joke?

5 Who is Trump’s favorite foreign dictator, among many?

6 What did Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Ca) write to help sink the Mueller probe?

7 What website is the most clever, endlessly witty, erudite, all-around fabulous right parody lifestyle blog?

8 Who was a Democrat then switched to being a Republican for political expediency’s sake?

9 Who from Team Trump thought she had what it took to be the first woman president, according to Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff?

10 Who has defended Barron on Twitter more than once (much to Melania’s glee, which we gotta say, is kind of sweet and tear-inducing), as she can totally relate to growing up in the White House?

11 What are the names of Don Jon’s ex-wives, in order of marriage

12 What are the names of DJT’s children, in order of their birth?

13 Which ex-president and ex-First Lady were guests at Trump’s wedding to Melania?

14  What sitcom did Stephen K. Bannon invest it, and now owes a good deal of his personal wealth to?

15  Who did DJT call, “Low-Energy Jeb”

16  What country did DJT’s mother immigrate from?

17  What’s the street address of Jared Kushner’s struggling Manhattan high-rise?



  1. 1  Kellanne OxyConway 2 Jason and Stephen 3  Melania Trump 4  President Donald Trump, Jr. 5  Vladimir Putin 6 a memo 7 Spread Your Right Wings (SYRW) 8  President Donald Trump, Jr. 9 Ivanka Trump 10 Chelsea Clinton 11 Ivana and Marla 12 Don, Jr.; Ivanka; Eric; Tiffany, Barron 13 Bill and Hillary Clinton 14 Seinfeld 15 Jeb Bush 16 Scotland 17 666 Park Avenue 18

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© 2018 Akbar Khan

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