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Fun: Trump Admin Members Play Two Truths and a Wish

This admin tells so many lies, this game should be more fun than usual!/Image: Licensed Adobe stock, Sergey Nivens.

What’s up on this fun, fun, fun weekend for you, Alt-fun lovers? Weekends are a time to relax, of course. And the last two weeks have been so intense they made a colonoscopy look like a walk in the park–oy!

It’s always helpful and reinvigorating for us Alt-righters to take such days and to reset by getting back to basics. One fun way to do that is ice-breaking parlor games.

Remember that old classic, “Three Truths and a Lie,” where each person said three things about themselves that were true and one that wasn’t true, and the other players had to guess which one was the lie. Well, we thank the good folks at Ice Breakers for apprising us of this variation on the above game called, “Two Truths and a Wish.” Your job is to guess the wish There’s enough lying going in the Trump admin and the right wing in general, so we figured this might be a fun, less depressing way to get to know some of our right-wing faves.

Related: See what Trump thinks everyone in schools needs.

We asked a handful of former or current Trump admin members to tell us two truths about them and something they wish to do or be, but told in a way so that it seems they already do or are it. Let’s get started. And, just so you know, the answer key at the bottom of this article

President Donald Trump

One: I currently have a popular reality show in which I am “the boss,” get to hob-knob with celebrities, and feel loved and admired.

Licensed Adobe stock, alexskopje.

Two: I Tweet close to 900,000 per week, anything from “go team” to “the Mueller probe is a witch hunt.

Three: I enjoy extra-marital affairs.

And: Don’t miss the news of the 5 sitcoms being retold from an Alt-perspective.

White House Counsel Kellyanne Conway

One: I moonlight for the person whose campaign I really wanted to work for, Ted Cruz.

Two: I think taking your shoes off in the Oval Office with a bunch of people, many with cameras, and then tucking them under you on the couch in an attempt to seem cute and kitten-like is valid behavior.

Licensed Adobe stock, maridav.

Three: I make flashcards to convince news anchors that my spin on the latest Trump White House disaster is the truth.

Vice President Mike Pence

One: I travel to far-flung geographic locations doing the diplomacy Donald Trump is not intelligent or adult enough to do.

Two: I spend a lot of time with my young, muscular chief of staff, Lance, and even though it’s all business, it makes me so happy.

Licensed Adobe stock, freshidea.

Three: It sometimes falls on me to cast the deciding vote on contentious, hotly-debated Congressional bills.

White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly

One: I don’t like this job of Chief of Staff, but I felt it was my duty to my country take it.

Licensed Adobe stock, FPWing.

Two: I am dedicated to serving my country, but my family, my wife and children, and so forth, are my number one priority.

Three: To unwind, I like to fly kites, and I’ve started competing in kite races.

Environmental Protection Agency Director Scott Pruitt

One: I think global warming is a hoax, or so my friends in the fossil fuel industry tell me.

Two: Who needs National Parks, we need to develop those suckers and grow the economy.

Licensed Adobe stock, corepics.

Three: I’m secretly building a house in a Mars space colony, in consultation with Elon Musk, so when the Earth is unlivable, thanks in part to my policies, me and my family can live there and be A-okay.

The Key to the Kingdom of Knowledge

Well, if you can call “it knowledge!” Or a “kingdom,” for that matter.

For Trump, his wish is “One.”

For Kellyanne Conway, her wish is “One.”

For Mike Pence, his wish is “Two.”

Also: Get the details on Oblomov’s Syndrome and how it’s devastating the right-wing.

For Gen. John Kelly, his wish is “Three.”

For Scott Pruitt, his wish is “Three

We at Spread Your Right Wings generally don’t like people, the Internet, or interacting with people on the Internet. Seek out someone—in person—to talk to and laugh with about this article. Check back with us as we continue to mock the right wing. Follow us on Twitter at @worstaltlife join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagram at @worstaltlife. If you simply must get in touch with us, DM us through our Facebook group. Also, please, please see the disclaimer in our About section.

© 2018 Akbar Khan

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