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Trump “Willing to Take the Heat” for Immigration Deal, With Eye on Burning Bannon


The chaos of the Trump administration isn’t reserved just for the revolving personnel door–it applies to policies too!/Image Credit; Depositphotos, actionsports

I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me

That’s the title of a classic self-help tome by Jerold J. Kreisman and Hal Straus, but it’s an apt description of the wobbly stance of President Donald Trump on immigration now, too.

His Orangeness said he’d be willing “to take the heat”, presumably from his xenophobic base, in negotiating deas on various immigration issues, including DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), reported the Los Angeles Times on Tuesday.

In a conveniently-timed, relatively well-orchestrated, just-so-happened-to-be-open-to-cameras negotiation session, Trump also said he would sign whatever legislation Congress puts on his desk, out of his respect for them. And most bizarrely, he said, he agreed with Senator Diane Feinstein (D-California) that a “clean” bill on DACA-related bill, leaving other immigration issues aside for now. A Republican colleague, Kevin McCarthy (R-California) jumped into to remind him of the need to remain tough on immigration, also according to the Los Angeles Times.

This pronouncement by Trump comes as a jolting, schizophrenic reversal after his administration announced earlier Tuesday that 200,000 Salvadorans living in the United States since a 2001 earthquake no longer qualified for protection from deportation, reported the New York Times.

Related: Ivanka’s got a legal strategy sure to stump Muller and his team!

The Politics of Expediency Continue

What a way to stick it to Steve Bannon, this sudden desire for an immigration bill based on “love,” as Trump put it in Tuesday’s meeting, right, Spread Your Right Wings (SYRW) readers? That ex-White House strategist who’s plummetted from Republican graces since it was revealed he disparaged Don, Jr. and Ivanka in a book released last week, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by reporter Michael Wolff, was a mega-xenophobe. Too Xexy for His Own Xenophobic Shirt, in fact. So Trump suddenly wanting an immigration bill based on hugs and kisses is so obviously a way to thumb his nose and fallen-from-grace Bannon. Game, set, match–for niow!

As The Hill noted, it’s also a convenient way to portray himself as calm and reasoned after Wolff’s book added fuel to the fire we can all see burning and that sheds light on the fact that Trump is erratic, childish, and has no political or moral philosophy to advance, simply a desire to win and be seen as triumphant.

Also: Join the Fez for Nunes–he needs our sycophantic support.

Fire and Fury, Indeed

Hell hath no fury like a Trump scorned, right, readers? Yesterday he was Bannon’s BFF, now Bannon’s resigned from his position as editor at right-wing “news” outlet Breitbart as his support from conservative power brokers and financiers quickly fell out from under him after Fire and Fury was released.

It’s all about him and all about being perceived as the victor in the political game Trump’s playing. Too bad the game pieces are actual human beings. Haha, suckers!

This is what we love about him, right, readers? As White House Press Secretary noted so eloquently, when he’s punched, Trump punches back ten times harder. Who cares who gets deported as collateral damage! We’re just watching Trump the Lion devour other humans in the Roman Coliseum. No biggie!

And: See how to keep your right-wing nails in top shape to tear at the social contract.

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© 2018 Akbar Khan

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