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Gossip: Omarosa Out at WH–“I Thought I Was on The Bachelor!”

Donald Trump and Omarosa Manigault. Newman/Image courtesy of nbc.com.

I, Tabitha Bubbles, resident gossip maven, have GOT to tell you something, Spread Your Right Wings (SYRW) readers–but, shhhhhh! You can’t tell anyone else! Lean in close!

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye

So sang iconic 1990s group Boyz II Men, and Omarosa may want to make her ringtone!

Everyone knows by now that Trump’s “one black friend,” as an SNL parody put it, Omarosa, left her position–and hefty salary–as White House director of communications for the White House Office of the Public Liaison. But not everyone knows why.

She caused a lot of TV-“star”-esque drama, reported The New York Times. But that’s only half the story: “Still, the woman who cultivated a reputation as the ultimate TV villain is urging viewers to stay tuned to find out why she really left,” reported the New York Times.

Only I, Bubbles MacMillan, SYRW’s resident gift-of-gab columnist, have the full juicy dish.

We’re Not In Kansas Anymore

Apparently, my sources tell me, Omarosa thought when she accepted this job, that she was on The Bachelor,” referring to the mega-popular reality dating show,

Omarosa, say my sources, thought this was a  First Lady Edition of the show. Her inexplicable understanding was that she was competing for what would be a proposal from President Trump if she lasted until the end. And, by the same logic, she assumed she’d be the First Lady!

“Katie Walsh, James Comey, Reince Priebus, Michael Dubke, Steve Bannon, and so many others–I outlasted them all. He was ready to pick me,” she confided to a White House insider. As she packed up her office, she showed no awareness that this past year hasn’t been one big reality show taping.

Did You Not Notice..?

“I think homosexuality is wrong,” Omarosa said, “But I just assumed Donald was okay with it and willing to marry James, Reince, Jared, whoever. And I was taught, ‘Judge not, lest ye be judged,””

And get this, my Chatty Cathys: she thinks the last two contestants she had to beat were Melania and Ivanka Trump. She also assumed that walks through the rose garden with Trump were this “edition” of The Bachelor‘s version of its famous elimination rose ceremony.

“When Donald and I took one of our many walks through that rose garden, it was clear I was his pick, but the producer of the show–John F. Kelly–never liked me. He was the most over-involved producer I’ve ever met in my long career in show business,” Manigault said.

Omarosa made a name for herself as habitually ornery and unlikable during her tenure on President Trump’s The Apprentice. To her credit, lots of reality “stars” that gain a following on one show appear on others. But, really–how clueless can you be! Then again, cluelessness is part of the loveable wackiness we enjoy about the ridiculous characters who populate the right wing of U.S. politics, so, you go, Omarosa!

That’s all for now, my lovelies. And remember—you didn’t hear this from me!

© 207 Akbar Khan

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