Featured News/Op-Ed

Melania Trump Stares Blankly Ahead as Toddler Injured

Melania Trump and her unchanging facial expression./Image Credit: cnn.com

A two-year-old Puerto Rican tripped and fell forward on his face as First Lady Melania Trump gazed beyond him, expressionless and catatonic just inches away, during a trip to San Juan in the hurricane-ravaged country of Puerto Rico alongside President Donald Trump.

“Please, help my son!” yelled a woman in a heavy Spanish accent.

Mrs. Trump remained alarmingly still and silent, still looking ahead.

A reporter jostled through the melee of the US presidential delegation, thrusting a black microphone at the First Lady.

“Mrs. Trump, what can you say to this mother whose child just passed out from a head injury in front of you?” the reporter asked.

The First Lady’s eyes then shifted to look at the reporter briefly but soon returned to their straight-ahead position.

Nevertheless, the injured child’s mother and the reporter gasped with excitement, even giggling and holding each other, at the rare show of any behavior that resembles that of a higher primate by Mrs. Trump.

“Mrs. Trump is deeply concerned about online bullying,” her spokeswoman said in a written statement released to reporters later in the day. “She wants to devote all her considerable mental prowess and unending passion for stopping online bullying, except the online bullying her husband partakes in on an hourly basis. She is not without emotion, she’s just taking her time. To suggest that her rigid facial expression belies a lack of interest in the world around her is fake news.”

Mrs. Trump has been criticized for her lackadaisical approach to the role of First Lady, one that most before her have used to highlight social issues and take an active role in…well, anything beyond themselves.

Back at the impromptu Puerto Rican news conference, when Mrs. Trump failed to move, even blink, for more than 20 minutes, a physician traveling with her stepped on and over suffering hurricane victims to calmly take her pulse and listen to her breathing with a stethoscope. Presumably, he heard something, as he took no further action.

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© 2017 Akbar Khan

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