
The Spread Your Right Wings Virtue Vanguard Award for December 2017: Milo Yiannopoulos

Milo Yiannopolous/Image Credit: CNN Money.

The SYRW Virtue Vanguard for December 2017

We here at Spread Your Right Wings (SYRW) like to take a moment or two every week to identify the heroes of our Right Wing/Alt-Right movement. This week we honor that shining example of an exemplary human being, Milo Yiannopoulus. This deeply good man has done numerous things to bring people together and just generally be an awesome, but his latest proud moment is this: a Holocaust joke.

Is there anything else that says, “I’m a good person,” besides making light one of tthe lowest points in the common human experience known as The Holocaust. The fabulous event that kicked off The Holocaust, a.k.a., the brutal genocide of European Jews that took six million lives, torturing them in depraved ways that only a diseased, disgusting mind could come up, is called Kristallnacht, or The Night of Broken Glass. That was when some fantastic Nazi thugs, soldiers, and henchmen in the Sturmabteilun paramilitary force, known in English as the Brownshirts, went around Nazi Germany smashing the windows of and generally destroying Jewish-owned businesses, homes, and most kindly, synagogues.

A Simple Task, Made Ugly

Now, when most of us think of our email password, we think of making it something light-hearted and easy to remember, right—a pet’s name, your favorite teacher in grade school, the kind of ice cream you most like to indulge in.? Fun!

But Magnificent Milo is always thinking of how he can advance hate and subtly encourage the worst characters and instincts in the Alt-Right movement. That’s why we love him so! So when he had to choose an email password, do you know what he chose, SYRW readers? “Kristallnacht,” as reported by Buzzfeed.

It’s Okay Because…

What makes it all the more heroic of this wonderful person to do this, is that he is allegedly half-Jewish. He says his mom, who must be so proud at raising an actual piece of garbage/human detritus, is Jewish. That makes it not only A-ok, but actually admirable and morally upright to make fun of this horrific event in human history! Also, we suspect good ol’ Milo has fabricated this alleged fact about his ancestry, in attempt to make it palatable to bleeding-heart liberals that he is a right-wing “provocateur.”

Look at Me–I’m Important. And Big. Please–Look at Me. Please? PLEASE!

We must also point out a subtler reason Milo is our Virtue Vanguard of the week. His embarrassing media appearances, such as the one on Bill Maher’s show that nearly ruined his career, his brash, brazen work as an editor at, and his speaking tours and other insertions of himself into public life have one common theme: he will do anything –really, truly, it seems, anything–for attention. Much like President Donald Trump, he has no morals, no agenda that animates his behavior, simply a desperate, childish, and painfully obvious need to be seen, noticed, and validated, whatever the cost to himself, others, or the world. Whoever damaged your psyche so profoundly, Milo, we thank them.

You have made a career out of speaking out against feminists, transpeople, Jews, and other supposedly-marginalized communities, under the tutelage of another one of our faves here at SYRW, Steve Bannon, Skincare Ambassador of the Alt-Right. Thank you for your tireless work bringing us together and promoting love and kindness.

We at Spread Your Right Wings generally don’t like people, the Internet, or interacting with people on the Internet. Seek out someone—in person—to talk to and laugh with about this article. Check back with us as we continue to mock the right wing. Follow us on Twitter at @worstaltlife join our Facebook group, and follow us on Instagram at @worstaltlife. If you simply must get in touch with us, DM us through our Facebook group. Also, please, please see the disclaimer in our About section.

© Akbar Khan 2017

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