
Roy Moore Plans Move Back to Underside of Rock He Crawled Out From

Roy Moore./Image: Courtesy of The Daily Beast.

Ex-Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore lamented the presence of teenage girls to rape underneath the damp, dirty rock he and his wife are planning a return to, after his defeat in the latest political race seen as a referendum on President Trump’s garbage politics.

“I’m going back–but I’ll also be back, and don’t all you K—s, f–s, n—–s, S—s, and Muslims forget it! The law means nothing to me. I do what–and who–I want. For Christ, of course,” a defiant Moore said in a press conference in Birmingham. His wife applauded, and one person joined her.

Moore was the first candidate supported by Steve Bannon, Skin Care Ambassador of the Alt-Right, after his ouster from the White House, in his nihilistic, I-just-want-to-cause-chaos campaign to make-under the Republican Party. After Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated his Senate seat for his own Trump-cabinet-member campaign to return the nation to its 1784 glory days, Moore dismayed a nation when he became the Republican nominee in that race.

Moore has a history of nearly-unbelievable racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and anti-immigrant speech and action. Some examples of his greatest hits include: as a federal judge, defying court orders to discontinue support for local law enforcement’s racial profiling, even going to jail to support it; refusing to acknowledge same-sex marriages, even after the Supreme Court ruled them constitutional; saying democratic donor George Soros would go to hell for being Jewish; and most recently being exposed as a sexual predator who “dated” teenage girls while in his thirties.

While Donald Trump initially backed his opponent in the Republican primary to choose a nominee, given his passion for The Politics of Facile Expediency above all else, Trump ended up backing Moore’s vomit-inducing attempt to become one of the most powerful people in U.S. politics as one of one hundred Senators who decide national public policy.

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© 2017 Akbar Khan

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